295 - Stove PipesSunrise Estate Services Ltd
Include 6 x 24" - 24 gauge - 7 x 24" - 7" x 90 etc
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to t*****J for (33.00 + 4.95BP) = 37.95
296 - Household HardwareSunrise Estate Services Ltd
Including new bathroom faucet, entrance keye lock set, new and used vent covers, etc
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to p**********4 for (21.00 + 3.15BP) = 24.15
297 - Soldering LotSunrise Estate Services Ltd
Including Weller D550 - works, Super Stripper 1500 - works, various soldering wire
Bidding Has ConcludedSold to T*****1 for (24.00 + 3.60BP) = 27.60